Well I had my first Dr. appointment on Friday. I know a little more about my leg and ankle break. I was a little shocked to find out that I actually have 7 screws and a plate in my leg as opposed to the two screws I had originally thought I had. My family also thought the Dr. said there were two screws. I have no idea where the communication broke down but it’s obvious in the x-ray, hahaha.... There are definitely more than 2. I was surprised when he put it up there and I saw them all. I got my hard cast and they make them in fun colors. I got a pink one. It’s pretty fab. And very hard, lol. Pink and hard. Fun.
I was also shocked when the dr and his nurse actually laughed at the notion that I would get a walking boot like cast on this visit and be able to put weight on it again. I am non weight bearing for at least 4 more weeks. That is when my next appointment is. It may even be another two weeks past that until I can weight bear. I was devastated to say the least. They removed the staples and yes it hurts but not as much as I had expected it to. It's more uncomfortable when they do it then painful. He told me that at this point in the recovery my fibula has not really repaired much at all and the plate and screws are really the only thing holding my bone together at this point. It takes 6 weeks for the bone to grow back enough to apply any weight to it. As far as I have been told the bone grows back around the screws.
You will read a lot of different things online if you are researching your broken bones. I have. A great website for me has been mybrokenleg.com. I have been lurking on there as opposed to posting but the people on there had tons of helpful hints. However, much of the information is confusing. Your broken bone is completely different from everyone else’s. There is almost no way to compare. Everyone's story is different. Some of the tips may benefit you and some may not. I have had my broken bones for about 20 days now. I am not in that much pain. Truth be told I mostly take the vicodin for amusement purpose. I only take two a day and I can take up to about 8 a day as prescribed. I have no need to do that. I am lucky. I find, of course, that I am in the most pain when I try to do too much but it mostly just makes me exhausted. I have finally figured out the steps and crutches to a degree. It’s impossible for me to do the steps more than once up and once down a day at this point. I am not the most physically fit person. I am a bit on the heavy side and have not worked out like this in a long time. This video helped a lot. Just watching someone use crutches really made me understand how to do things on mine because I wasn't learning on my own. Check out this video:
It helped me a lot and was the only one I could find.
Some other helpful hints that I have learned from the other sites out there. Note that I use a walker in my apartment and crutches on the outside to get around. I do not have access to a wheelchair and can't see how one would work in my apartment anyway.
1. I put an office chair in my kitchen on the tile part of the floor. I can zoom around while sitting down and it really alleviates some of the stress of getting my own meals when I don't have someone to come by with them. BUT BE CAREFUL NOT TOO SIT ON THE EDGE OF IT. I also had my first fall from this helpful tip. I sat too close to the edge of the chair and it flew out from under me. Make sure you are sitting as far back in the seat as possible. But it really really helps.
2. Disposable food containers in all shapes and sizes. I put all of my meals in closed plastic containers to transport. I have used them for hot foods as well as cold.
3. Shopping bags from the grocery store to transport those containers from room to room. It works just fine.
4. Make sure you put some plates and glasses on the counter tops so you don't have to try to get them out of your high cabinets.
5. Get a closed thermos as soon as possible to transport hot beverages. I need my coffee everyday and I like to drink it like a civilized person with a mug. I fill my thermos and put a mug in one of my shopping bags and have breakfast like anyone else. Also an "adult sippy cup" is always handy. I have a nice simple large drink container that I usually would use in the summer at the pool. I just fill it up with ice and my fav beverage, close the top over the straw and I have a drink that last all day. To commute it without risk of spills I just put it into a ziplock gallon sized bag before putting it my walker basket.
6. Get a basket for your walker. I made one from a Bath and Body Works gift set basket I had lying around. I rigged it with some ribbon and duct tape and it works just fine.
7. DO NOT GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT A PHONE. Mine is in that above mentioned basket at all times now. After I had that fall I talked about earlier and had no idea how to get up from it and no phone nearby to call anyone, I never leave one room to go to another without it.
8. Pain medicine makes you constipated. Seriously learn to like prunes. They helped me WAY more than stool softener did. I am perfectly regular. Hahahha..
9. Baby wipes help a lot on those days when you just can't do a shower. I use them on my "cast toes" and my privates just to feel refreshed and clean. I also wash my hands with them during the day, They even are gentle on your face just to wipe things down. I keep a container next to the bed.
10. And last tip for today... Find a grocery store that delivers to your home. I have two within a few miles of my house that do. They will bring the groceries into your house and you don't have to do anything but pay fro them and put them away. You can order just about anything you want, especially from Acme if you have those. It’s only an $8 charge which is the price of having access to, um, food?
More soon....
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